Ajacks Aurora Brooklin Bradford Markham Newmarket Mississauga Oakville Pickering Scarborough Toronto Whitby


Vinyl Siding is a maitenance free material, which could last up to 25 years providing weather protection as well as great appearance to your house.
There are many types of vinyl siding: horizontal, vertical, Shakes, fishscale, stone- and bricks-looking etc.
It is affordable and durable material for your house.
Today's solid vinyl siding holds up against salt, pollutants, extreme weather, UV rays and scratching or denting. With various different textures, styles and colors to choose from, this siding will appeal to every taste and fashion.
Get your house done today!

www.aluminumguy.com is an official website of Max Romanoff.
Aluminum installation since 2003. Ontario,Canada